
Tariff Structure of the Mobi.E Network

To charge an electric vehicle at a charging station from the Mobi.E network, one must have a valid contract with an EMSP and a card or App provided for such purposes. With this card or App, one may charge at any charging station, regardless of the Charging Point Operator (CPO).

There are already available on the market ad-hoc charging solutions (presented by the EMSP), in which the Electric Vehicle User (EVU) does not require any previous contract (establishing a legal relationship instantaneously with the EMSP). In these cases, the user installs an app, introduces their means of payment and may commence charging. Upon charging, an invoice is issued, which must follow the rules presented below.

The sum to be paid for charging within the Mobi.E network is that which is agreed upon with your EMSP, but, as a rule, it is a combination of four parts, in accordance with No. 2 of article 13 of the Regulation for Electric Mobility (RME):

  • The component related to the charging of the vehicle, EMSP tariff, in accordance with the contract that is established with your EMSP, which corresponds to the selling of electricity, which includes network access tariffs for electric energy (TAR), as well as the EGME tariff applicable to EMSP, already with State Support;
  • The component related to the use of charging stations, CPO tariff, which corresponds to the service provided by the charging station from the CPO, which includes: the use of charging points, as well as the EGME tariff applicable to CPOs;
  • Levies and taxes, defined by the Portuguese State, namely: a special tax on electricity consumption (IEC) and valued added tax (VAT);
  • Other services that may be provided.

Your EMSP issues an invoice, normally at the end of each month, but the invoice may be issued at the end of each charging session. Some apps available on the market provide an estimated total cost of one charge. In the case of the invoice conforming to various charges, the information should appear itemised by transaction.

EMSP Tariffs

The EMSP payment corresponds to the selling of electricity related to the charging of your vehicle and includes, in the amount contracted with your EMSP, Network Access Tariffs for electric mobility (TAR), the EGME tariff for EMSP, as well as the State Support for electric mobility. The EMSP charges their services with a margin in accordance with one, or a combination of the following variables:

  • Cost by energy consumed - €/kWh;
  • Duration cost - €/min;
  • Cost by charging session - €/charge.

CPO Tariffs 

The CPO payment corresponds to the service provided by the charging station and includes costs that they bear for providing their services (only for providing the station) with a margin in accordance with one, or a combination of the following variables:

  • Cost by energy consumed - €/kWh;
  • Duration cost - €/min;
  • Cost by charging session - €/charge.

You may consult the CPO tariff in force at every charging station here.
The CPO payment, which includes the EGME tariff applicable to CPOs, shall be integrated in the invoice issued to the EVUs by the EMSPs, who transfer afterwards the due amounts to the respective CPOs, based on the information provided by MOBI.E.


Levies and taxes

The payment of levies and taxes includes the special tax on electricity consumption (IEC) and value added tax (VAT), if applicable.

The Special Tax on Electricity Consumption (IEC) is composed by a variable term applied to electricity consumption, with the rate being, in Mainland Portugal, of 0,001 € by kWh, under the terms of Decree no. 320-D/2011, from 30 of December.

VAT applicable to all parts of the invoice is, currently, 23% in mainland Portugal, 22% in Madeira e 18% in the Azores.

It is not applicable to electricity consumption for electric mobility the DGEG rate, as well as the Audio-visual Tax (CAV).

EGME Tariff

The Regulation for Electric Mobility foresees the billing by the Electric Mobility Network Managing Entity of a tariff (“EGME tariff”) which covers the costs of its regulated activity, applied to EMSPs, CPOs and DPCs. These costs are verified by ERSE in the process of setting this tariff annually. The EGME tariff does not have a direct application to the Users, given that these tariffs are applicable to market participants, although they represent costs for the EMSP and CPO, they may adjust the tariffs that they practise.

MOBI.E’s regulated activity includes all administrative procedures that enable market participants to adhere to the Mobi.E network, the supply of a technological platform that connects to charging stations of any CPO on the network, in order to guarantee universality in its usage to all users, ensuring data communications that guarantee the sharing of information flows between EMSPs, CPOs and Electric Sector Entities that are crucial to the functioning of the Mobi.E System, managing a guarantee system of EMSPs, CPOs and DPCs, providing information to (EVU) users regarding the tariff of each station and the Network’s Status in addition to providing market information relevant to ERSE and remaining public entities.

The amount in force of the EGME tariffs may be consulted here.

Network Access Tariffs for electric mobility 

The Network Access Tariffs for Electric Mobility (TAR) is applied to electricity delivered in the electric mobility network to EVUs and are defined annually by ERSE. There exists two distinctive tariffs, according to the voltage level of RESP’s (Public Electricity Distribution Network) delivery point to which the charging station is connected to – Low Voltage (LV) or Medium Voltage (MV).

The TAR applicable to electric mobility results from the TAR of the electricity sector in each one of the voltage levels (LV or MV), and are composed by the energy prices itemised by the time period, expressed in euros by kWh.

Contrary to the electricity sector, in which the TAR has a fixed component (the contracted power factor) and a variable component according to the energy, in €/kWh, in electric mobility there only exists the variable component.

As electric vehicle consumptions occur in various charging stations from the network and not only in one location, the fixed term associated to the power factor becomes variable and integrated in the variable component.

For this reason, when comparing the TARs from the electricity sector and from electric mobility, in each one of the voltage levels, and if you look only to the variable component, it gives the impression that in electric mobility one is paying a higher TAR. However, this simple comparison, does not take into consideration the existing fixed term in the electricity sector and that is added to the variable component.

As a way of promoting electric mobility, the Government approved financial support to partly cover the costs incurred by EVUs, in using networks from the electricity sector, which is expressed in a discount applicable to network access tariffs for electric mobility.

The amounts incurred by the user from the TAR for electric mobility are published annually by ERSE.

The time periods will be presented by your EMSP.